Message Details

Message Details


The message details pane provides a detailed overview of a specific message selected from the message list pane in a custom dashboard. Similar to the observations tab, administrators have the ability to create allow list entries, block list entries, policy entries, remediate messages, and confirm or reject reports

Message Actions

The actions tab is found on the top left corner of the message details pane. Each available action is listed below.

Action Name



Flag As Important


Adds/Removes an “important” tag to the message.

Flag for Follow Up


Adds/Removes a “flag” tag to the message..

Take No Action


Marks the message as Take No Action. This updates the message history and can be used to filter the message list to actionable messages. This option has no effect on future or past email deliverability. Take No Action is purely used for analysis and reporting purposes.
-The Take No Action icon will be present if all selected messages are not already marked as Take No Action
-The Reverse Take No Action icon will be present if all selected messages are marked as Take No Action
-No icon will be present for Take No Action or Reverse Take No Action if multiple messages are selected with differing actions already applied to them.

Add Allow List Entry


Creates an allow list entry for the message. This allow list identical to the allow list in the Observations tab. 

Add Block List Entry


Creates a block list entry for the message. This allow list identical to the allow list in the Observations tab. 

Policy Actions


Policy actions option will only display as a clickable button when the message at hand was marked as a ‘Spoofed Internal Sender’.

Create Policy Entry


Displays a list of potential policy options to create a new policy.



The Remediate icon will be present if the message is elligble to be remediated.  Remediation is supported if the authenticated user has permissions (currently policy admin role and above) and API access has been granted under the API Access tab in the INKY admin dashboard. To setup API access please follow the instructions in this KB.

Add Tag

Allows the ability to add custom tags to the message. Administrators can then filter dashboard data by these tags.

Summary Tab

Contains a brief summary of the selected message’s transmission information.

More Tab

Contains technical information regarding the selected message.

History Tab

Displays all actions performed on this message including if the analysis results were viewed, allow and blocklist policy entries, take no action, and remediations.

Lists Tab

Lists policies for the message including if there is an existing allow list, block list, or policy entry that would apply to the message.

Please Note: This does not indicate if a message was allowed or blocked based on the list, only if the message has an existing policy that would apply to it.  For example, after a new allow list entry is created for a specific domain, all emails in the message list from that domain would have the allow list icon present. 

Images Tab

Lists any images embedded within the selected message.

Attachments Tab

Lists any attachments embedded within the selected message.

Links Tab

Lists any links embedded within the selected message.

Link Clicks Tab

Lists each time a link was clicked in the selected message. If the message does not contain any URLs this tab will remain blank.

Reports Tab

Lists any user reports for the selected message. User reports can be confirmed or rejected on the message details reports tab.

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