Getting Started with INKY

Getting Started with INKY

Welcome to the INKY Knowledge Base.

Top tasks for a new installation: If you are new to INKY, we recommend you start with the following four configurations to tune INKY for your organization:

  • INKY VIP List

    • View or edit the VIP list that INKY uses for the VIP Spoofing Protection feature.

  • INKY Phishing Awareness Training Platform

    • If your organization utilizes a Phishing Awareness Training Platform, you will want to go through the settings on this page to ensure banners are displaying as expected.

  • INKY Trusted Third-Party Senders

    • If your organization uses third-party senders (such as SendGrid, MailChimp, SurveyMonkey, ConstantContact, etc.) to send messages on behalf of your users, INKY can be configured to detect these messages as internal-sender spoofing.

  • INKY Observations

    • The Observations page shows you the messages INKY has captured using our pre-defined threat categories: Neutral (0), Caution (1), and Danger (2). Here is where you will enable allow listing, blocklisting, and policy changes to continually tune your environment based on the types of threats you may receive. These changes will be ongoing as you review incoming emails.

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