Observations Tab


The Observations page shows you the messages INKY has captured with powerful filters that allow for fast searches for any Threat Level, Threat Category, and User Label type with more options.


Landing Page

Selecting our Observations page will have default filters applied to your messages. The “Date” will be set to look at the past 3 days that have a “Threat Level” of Caution or Danger and is sorted by “Threat Level.” The Threat Level of each email is color coded indicated to the left of the results. Once you determine how you would like to filter the messages displayed, you will select “View Results.”





Search Preset

Allows you to filter through Banner type and User Reports

  • All

  • Threat Detected (Caution or Danger)

  • Dangerous

  • User Reported Safe

  • User Reported Spam

  • User Reported Phish

  • Neutral


Select Team

This should default to your current INKY account*


Message ID

Allows you to search for an email by its Message ID


Start Date & End Date

Allows you to adjust the Start and End date with 30 minute time intervals for email searches within this time frame with preset times of “Last day,” “Last 3 days,” “Last 7 days,” and “Last year.”


Threat Level

Allows you to filter emails with results that have a Neutral, Caution, or Danger banner.

  • Neutral

  • Caution

  • Danger


User Labels

Allows you to filter emails where the end user has reported a certain email as either Safe, Spam, or Phishing.

  • Safe

  • Spam

  • Phishing


Threat Category

Allows you to filter emails with the specific category that INKY classified the email as. More information to each of these categories can be found below:

**Link to Threat Category Description*



Based on the search criteria, INKY will display the most frequent subject lines. This section is dynamic and will change as you adjust and add filters.


Result Category

Allows for granular filter of emails based on our Banner Result Categories.

  • Neutral

  • Caution (Non Spam)

  • Caution (Spam)

  • Caution (High Confidence Spam)

  • Danger (Phish or Malware)

  • Danger (High Confidence Phish or Malware)


Delivery Target

Allows for email filter based on where INKY delivered the email. **This filter is dependent on our Delivery Setting located under Settings > Delivery. More information can be found in the link below:

Delivery Settings Link



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