Custom Dashboards

Custom Dashboards


At INKY, we know that “one size doesn’t fit all”. That’s why we have enabled our customers to build their own data visualizations. You can sort by or graph many different attributes giving administrators complete power over their security data. Custom dashboards provide a more granular method for message tracking, as well as a useful tool for reporting and analytics.

Create a Custom Dashboard

To create a blank dashboard, navigate to Visualizations > Custom Dashboards and then select “Add Dashboard”.

Once your dashboard has been created you’ll need to add a widget(s). There are multiple widgets to choose from and each one allows you to visualize the queried data differently. You can add one or several widgets to a single dashboard.

For more in-depth information about searching, message lists, or message details please see the articles linked below.

Default Dashboards

In this section, you’ll find five default dashboards that INKY has created to help administrators better understand their mail flow. You may view these dashboards but you will not be able to modify them. To modify any of the dashboards listed below, you’ll need to click a field on the desired dashboard and select “clone”. Cloning a dashboard creates another dashboard with the same search parameters as the default one.

Possibly Misconfigured Service - Contains a single message list filtered down to the Possibly Misconfigured Service threat category.

Reports - Contains a single message list filtered down to messages that were reported by users.

Reports with Link Clicks - Contains a single message list filtered down to messages that have been reported by users that also contain links that were clicked.
Spoofed Internal Sender - Contains a single message list filtered down to the Spoofed Internal Sender threat category.
Top 10 - Caution - Spam - Contains overview graphs for spam last month including the top 10 senders of spam.

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