Email Signatures

Email Signatures

INKY Email Signatures is an optional product offering that allows teams to easily configure company-wide signatures and footers on outbound mail. The signatures can also be personalized for each user, based on user-provided data or tenant directory information via API.

Getting Started

If you see the below info panel at Email Signatures - INKY please reach out to support@inky.com to request a trial!


Your license does not include INKY Signatures. Please contact your INKY sales representative for more information.


For most customers, enabling Email Signatures only requires an additional entitlement provided by INKY admins. Older installs may need a simple update to ensure that all outbound mail processes through INKY to check if your team requires an update follow the steps below for Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace.

After completing an installation option below visit Rollout Options for your next steps.

Microsoft 365

Preferred Option 1 - Check for Feature enablement using the INKY Tools website.

  • Navigate to https://tools.inkyphishfence.com.

  • Select “Features” from the top menu bar then let the page load your enabled features.

  • If “Outgoing Mail” is selected, then you’re already configured!

    • If “Outgoing Mail” is not selected, then select it and select “Modify Optional Features.”

    • Once complete you’ll be fully enabled for signatures!

Option 2 - Manually remove the “Report This Email” requirement in the M365 transport rule.

  • Navigate to https://admin.exchange.microsoft.com/#/transportrules for the team you’re enabling signatures.

  • Select the top rule named “IOC Strip Markup” or “IPW Mail for Outbound Processing” - you will only have either one of these rules, not both.

  • Select “Edit” then “Edit rule conditions” in the slide out window.

  • Delete the “The Subject or body matches these text patterns ‘Report This Email.’

Google Workspace

  • Navigate to Compliance (google.com)

  • Select edit next to the Content Compliance rule named “Route outbound mail to INKY Phish Fence.”

  • Delete the expression with the text contains for “Report This Email.”

    • DO NOT remove the other expression.

  • Save the rule.