Banner Formats & Customization


There are four formats for the banners and each is a slight variation. This reflects how much information is shown in the banners that users receive. Additionally, INKY provides banner customization where you can suppress certain banners from Trusted 3rd Party/Internal Senders and External Mail.



  1. Navigate to your INKY Dashboard

  2. Select “Settings” and you should be on “Markup.” If not, select “Markup.”

  3. You’ll notice there are four options under Banner Format


The four options are:

  1. Minimal - List the threat types found in each message along with a Details link to get more information.

  2. Minimal (all links inside color banner) - Similar to "Minimal" but footer links like Report This Email appear inside the color banner.

  3. Verbose - Includes the details inline in each message.

  4. Micro - Lacks any details and requires the user to click the Details link to learn what threat types were found.

Customize Which Banners to Include

By default, Inky adds a neutral banner (says "Safe" for internal messages, "External" for others) even when messages don't have any obvious threats. This helps distinguish internal and external mail, and allows users to see external senders' email addresses more easily. If you'd prefer not to add a neutral banner to certain types of messages, you may opt out of this feature. You may also choose to suppress "Caution" or even "Danger" banners, but this is not recommended under normal circumstances.



If you navigate slightly further below Banner Format, you’ll see “Customization Which Banners To Include” with different options.

  1. Trusted 3rd Party / Internal Mail:

    1. This will control when banners will show up on internal mail.

  2. External Mail:

    1. This will control when banners will show up on external mail.


For these two there are multiple settings:

  1. See all banners: Neutral, Caution, and Danger

  2. Suppress Neutral banners; Include Caution and Danger

  3. Suppress Neutral and Caution; Include only Danger

  4. Don’t include any banners


And then finally the checkbox for “Always include the "Report This Email" link, even if no banner is included.”

This is helpful in the cases where you have suppressed some banners but you still would like to allow for users to report Neutral or Caution messages.

When making any changes to the Settings page, please ensure that you scroll to the bottom and click on the “Save Changes” button.

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