Email Notifications - Automated Reports



The Email Notifications feature provides the ability to configure automated curated reports that can be emailed to administrators and other recipients.

INKY Super Admins can configure multiple reports for your INKY teams.

MSPs can also configure reports on behalf of your sub-teams through the inherited reports feature.

Email Notifications can be scheduled for delivery on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, as well as to be sent at a specified hour.

Email Notifications are configured in the INKY Admin Dashboard under Settings >> Email Notifications tab:

Email Notifications in Action

To learn how to configure reports, watch the following 3 minute tutorial video:

Email Notifications in action.

Team Report Creation

  1. After you've logged in to your Admin Account, click Settings.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the left-hand menu and select Email Notifications.

  3. Now you're ready to create a new report. Click Add.

  4. Give the report a name. Let's call this one Demo.

  5. Next, select how frequently you'd like the report to be sent.

  6. After that, select your preferred delivery time.

  7. Now it's time to add recipients.

  8. You can look at the report before it's sent by clicking Preview. This will download a PDF report you can review before the first report is sent.

  9. Now click Save, and you're all set.


For MSPs: Inherited Report Creation

If you are an MSP, besides creating automated reports for your own tenant (as described above), you also have the ability to create reports for your customers.

1. As an MSP, you can create reports for your customers. To do this, first make sure you are managing your parent team.

2. Next, we'll follow the same steps as before, selecting the frequency, time zone, and adding recipients from the parent team.

3. Then click "Modify Team Reports".

4. You can choose the team you're creating the report for, from the Team dropdown menu. After selecting a team, add the recipients and click the checkbox located to the right of the recipients’ field. Click Save.

a. To add reports for multiple teams at once, click Add All Teams. Then click Download CSV. Add team specific recipients in the CSV. Save the CSV. Return to the INKY Admin Dashboard. Click Import CSV. Click Save.

5. Review the Summary Settings and click Save.

6. This report will now display as an Inherited Report for that team. Recipients will need to contact you if they wish to have this report disabled.


Curated Analysis Report Email

1. The message body tells the recipient the name of the report, report frequency, and who configured the report.

2. The report itself contains the

a. Top 20 Threat Categories

b. Message Report Summary

c. Link Click breakdown.

  • Note: If the team has Outbound Mail Protection, Advanced Attachment Analysis, or Encryption configured, information from these add-ons will be included in the message count report.




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