

Partner Center Summary

The partner center summary contains the aggregate count of information across all INKY teams associated with the currently selected partner. This information helps the partner know summary level information across all teams at a glance. The Team List will show high level counts from the Admin Center summary page and the cog icon provides a quick link to the selected team.

  • Label: an editable label for an INKY team that will begin to be featured more prominently throughout the dashboard, in addition to the TeamID. The team label will be searchable in the current teamID dropdown.

  • ID: the current INKY teamid that’s used throughout the dashboard, this ID cannot be changed.

  • Mailboxes: The direct count of licensed mailboxes from the Microsoft Graph API or Google Directory API. Inside the component there is a download icon that allows you to download the current list of Licensed Mailboxes.

  • Recipients: also known as the “Unique Primary Recipient” count used throughout the dashboard.

  • Messages: total number of messages processed.