Versions Compared


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The assignment process is guided by two key priorities: rule order and assignment matching. Among these, assignment matching takes precedence, prioritizing email address matches over group membership, even if the latter corresponds to a higher-priority rule. This ensures that the most relevant and specific profile is assigned to each user, enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of the email signature management system.



  1. Profile A:

    • Criteria: Belonging to the "Marketing" group

  2. Profile B:

    • Criteria: Belonging to the "Sales" group

  3. Profile C:

Now, let's consider a user with the email address "" who is part of the "Sales" group.

Here's how the profile assignment process would work:

  1. The system checks for an email address match:

  2. If there had been no email address match, the system would have then checked for group membership:

    • The user is part of the "Sales" group, which corresponds to Profile B.

In this example, even though the "Sales" group is a higher-priority rule (Profile B) than the email address criteria (Profile C), the system assigns Profile C to the user "" because assignment matching always prefers the email address as a higher priority. This ensures that the most relevant and specific profile is assigned to the user.
