Experiencing 100% Click for KnowBe4 Campaigns

Experiencing 100% Click for KnowBe4 Campaigns


You’ve ran a campaign after setting up the KnowBe4 and INKY integration but are still receiving 100% click for all your campaigns.


The most likely solution is to send KnowBe4 campaign reported emails to a black hole instead of the report address that’s configured on User Reporting - INKY (inkyphishfence.com). It’s likely that the reported emails, that contain the Phishing Simulation RFC822 copy of the mail is scanned there.

  1. Navigate to Phishing Awareness Training - INKY

  2. Scroll to the “Send email notifications to different addresses when users report simulated phishing messages.” check box and Select it.

  3. Leave the input box empty so the reports don’t get sent to any address

  4. Save.


This change should ensure that a copy of the phishing simulation email isn’t sent to another mailbox where there it may be rescanned.

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