Enable Delivery Routing for Google Workspace



  1. Navigate to the Google Workspace Admin Console

  2. Select the menu on the top left corner of your dashboard, then navigate to Apps > Google Workspace > Gmail

  3. Scroll down and select Compliance


4. Scroll down to Content Compliance and select “Add Another Rule”


If you already have a rule labeled INKY Quarantine Routing there is no need to continue as your Google Workspace tenant is already configured to utilize INKY’s delivery settings.


5. Create a new rule with the following parameters:


Description: INKY Quarantine Routing
Email Messages to affect: Inbound
Expressions: Select: If ANY of the following match the message
Select: “Add” and set up the following:
Advanced content match
Location: Full Headers
Match Type: Matches regex
Regexp: (?i)^X-IPW-SCL: 10
Select: Save
If the above expressions match, do the following:
Select: Quarantine Message
Move the message to the following quarantine: Send to default quarantine or a custom one
Show Options:
Only affect specific envelope recipients
Select Group Membership:
Select: IPW Group
Select: Add Settings
Select: Save

6. You can now enable “Delivery Settings” under the Settings > Delivery tab of your INKY Admin Dashboard. For more information please refer to our Delivery knowledgebase article.