From the Settings section, you can specify when you’d like INKY to modify and banner emails for Meeting Requests / Calendar and Clear-signed Mail. By default, we have rules created to ignore these types of emails to prevent breaking the email that may impact user experience.
Note |
*Enabling these settings would require you to disable the bypass rules created in O365 or GSuite. |
Navigate to your INKY Dashboard
Select “Settings” Settings then “Markup” Markup
INKY gives you the ability to customize these Special Message Types with the options below:
Modify all messages according to the default processing settings
Only modify messages with Caution or Danger results; do not modify ifNeutral
Only modify messages with Danger results; do not modify if Neutral or Caution
Do not modify any messages of this type
When making any changes to the Settings page, please ensure that you scroll to the bottom and click on the “Save Changes” button.
Rules to Disable
The two rules two disable would be IPW Filter - Signed for the Clear-signed Mail feature and IPW Filter - Calendar for Meeting Requests / Calendar Notifications.
You may return to your INKY dashboard by clicking here. If you require further assistance, please reach out to